On the Origins of Halloween | 50 Word Story
The cult leader reached the fields where her people toiled. They bowed as she approached. "Family, our sacred book will now be replaced by..." Mother Rhapsody held up a triangle and struck a pure note. "This." As one the followers tore the pumpkins from the vines and...

A Proper Goodbye | 50 Word Story
Grandpa's eyes fluttered closed, face now still like a shrunken wax facsimile. I touched Dad's shoulder. "He's gone. Let's go." He smiled, lips tight with hidden grief. "I need a few moments." I swallowed. "I understand." I walked out into the autumn air, wishing I'd...

Hook, Line and Sinker — Story Openings (Part 2)
In my last post on this topic ( Part1) we covered some of the basics of story openings or hooks. Going back to my opening line from The Mask of White and Red: Ilsa’s first memory was of fire. Something is clearly wrong when someone’s first memory is of fire. There’s...

To Edit is Divine | 50 Word Story
"Did you even read this before you darkened my door with it?" The editor glared. The humble writer blanched. "I can do better." "You're giving us a bad name. This magazine is quality, dammit. We aren't...bloggers." "Forgive me. I'll edit. I promise." The editor...

Pop | 50 Word Story
The coroner scribbled in her notebook. "Is that twenty-five feet? Thirty?" "Twenty-seven." The factory supervisor scratched his neck. "Will there be media?" "Certainly." She snapped her notebook closed. "You'll need a new line of work." The crew fished the head from...

The Rise and Fall of Yellow Things | 50 Word Story
Surrounded by guards, the parent-murdering despot gave a jolly smile. So close, but too far to reach. Especially for a boy. If he did hit him, he’d be captured. Jailed. Killed. The boy looked for something to throw. He weighed a lemon in his hand. It was worth the...

The Priest and the Pirate | 50 Word Story
The shade slew the last sailor. Only the captain and I remained. And I, no pirate, but a priest disguised. Atop the treasure sat a jeweled cross. The ghoul reached out a finger. I took the cross. Prayed. The wraith vanished. Cold steel slid between my ribs. “Bloody...

The Break | 50 Word Story
Cassandra spun the dial. “You done yet?” Joel never believed in her. “Security. Two minutes tops.” A few more turns... He sighed. “Time. I’m leaving.” His footsteps faded just as the safe opened. Pocketing the gems, she checked her watch. Thirty seconds. Time enough...

Quick Silver (A short story)
Silver Good-Fisher shot across the tops of the waves. Land was close and she was fast approaching the place where the breakers pounded themselves into spray and foam. Here at the surface where the Great Deep met the sky, the water was warm and pleasant. Joy and water...

Baby in the Blender: How I Learned to Love Critique
We all write for different reasons, but sometimes I think that deep down, I think part of the motivation for writing at all is that we want to be loved. Just a bit. Maybe that’s why we take it so hard when people point out the flaws in our writing. It feels like...